Victoria Henderson

The Event Marketer's Playbook:
3 Ultimate Hacks to Increase Attendance and ROI

With over 10 years in events and communications, join Victoria Henderson as she talks you through 3 key hacks that every event marketer should be using! From using FOMO as a marketing tactic to building a buzz around your event, you’ll learn simple yet effective tactics to make your event a success!

Forum Europe | OFCORES
Director of Marketing & Communications
7 December
Event Marketing
8 December
Event Marketing


Victoria brings a decade of expertise in communication and marketing, observing as the industry pivots towards unique, creative strategies to distinguish themselves in an increasingly crowded space. In an era where information overload is at its zenith and audiences scatter across diverse platforms, the struggle for brands to capture attention is more intense than ever. Additionally, the resurgence of face-to-face events has introduced fresh obstacles in engaging and drawing attendees. Amidst this complexity, Victoria proposes a return to fundamental principles, outlining three critical factors for event marketing success. She's set to deliver a session on this very topic, leveraging her extensive background to unveil three essential tips every event marketer needs to know.


Victoria Henderson holds the dual roles of Strategic Director and Director of Marketing & Communications at Forum Europe | OFCORES, boasting a rich international career spanning over a decade in communication, marketing, and event management. Her experience cuts across both public and private sectors, handling a diverse range of campaigns and events, both large and small, with a consistent record of impactful outcomes. Victoria's input was instrumental in establishing the Forum Europe | OFCORES collaboration, and she currently manages the company's marketing operations and resources. Guiding and drawing support from a skilled team of marketing experts, she ensures that each event is backed by outstanding marketing services.

The BAM Marketing Congress is your annual meet-up with professionals passionate about marketing.